Dental Disease and Heart Disease: What’s the Correlation?


Dental disease is one of the most common health conditions affecting dogs and cats, even though much of it is preventable.

Estimates of dental disease prevalence vary, but many experts say that most (more than half of) dogs and cats over three years of age have some form of periodontal disease.

How Dental Disease Progresses to Periodontal Disease

The process begins with plaque, a thin, bacteria-containing film that forms on the teeth. Plaque can be removed by brushing. But if plaque is not removed, minerals in the saliva harden the plaque, which creates tartar (calculus). Tartar is much more difficult to remove, and it can build up to look like “concrete” deposits on the side of a dog or cat’s tooth.

Pet owners may or may not notice tartar on the crown of their pet’s teeth. But the biggest problem comes from the part they can’t see—the tartar that grows below the gumline.

This leads to periodontal disease, a condition that affects the structures that hold teeth in place. 

Consequences of Periodontal Disease

The early stage of periodontal disease is gingivitis, inflammation or infection of the gums that is often noticeable as red, swollen, or bleeding gingiva. Gingivitis is reversible if treated in a timely fashion. 

After that, further damages from periodontal disease are NOT reversible. This may include damage to the periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveolar bone. These three structures, together with the gingiva, are collectively called the ‘periodontium’.

As periodontal disease progresses, a pet may suffer from gingival recession, tooth loss, alveolar bone loss, and even jaw fractures in severe cases. And one ‘bad’ tooth may affect neighboring teeth, thanks to infection and damage to bone and other surrounding structures.

Bacteremia From Periodontal Disease

Tartar harbors a lot of bacteria, and a mouth affected by periodontal disease carries infections.

These bacteria may enter the bloodstream via areas of the mouth affected by periodontal disease, which may lead to negative health consequences for an affected pet. 

Studies demonstrate conflicting conclusions, so the association between bacteremia from periodontal disease and pathology of certain organs (especially the heart, liver, and kidneys) is not as clear-cut as it was once thought to be. 

For example, the common condition of MMVD (myxomatous mitral valve degeneration) in small dogs is no longer thought to be caused by periodontal disease. Instead, both are conditions that occur commonly in older, small breed dogs. 

The link between periodontal disease and heart disease is more firmly established in human beings. And in pets, there have been associations noted between periodontal disease and pathologic changes to the heart, liver, and kidneys on necropsy. 

Because of these associations with organ disease in other parts of the body, and since bacteremia can and does happen in dogs with periodontal disease, it makes sense to take extra precautions for pets with a condition that would make them more at risk from bacteremia. 

For example, immunocompromised patients, or patients with certain types of heart conditions may benefit from an injectable dose of prophylactic antibiotics during a dental procedure, whereas it might not be necessary for an otherwise healthy pet.

There’s some speculation that chronic inflammation is responsible for pathology to other organs just as much as (or more than) bacteremia. Maintaining good oral health is the best way to decrease the risks of both infections and inflammation from periodontal disease.

Preventing Dental Issues Is Good for a Pet’s Overall Health

So, what’s the conclusion to draw from all of this information, some of which is conflicting?

Of course, that’s up to each practitioner. But in general, maintaining a healthy mouth will always be a good thing. 

Having a chronic disease (such as periodontal disease) anywhere in the body can be a strain on a pet’s health. So appropriate dental care can only serve to improve the overall health of the pet and reduce any risks associated with bacteremia and chronic inflammation.


Additionally, good dental care can also improve quality of life by decreasing oral pain, preventing tooth loss, and decreasing halitosis that could interfere with the human-animal bond. So, preventive dental care is an important part of any pet’s health plan.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Ultrasound of the Duodenum and Jejunum in Dogs and Cats


There are many reasons why a veterinarian may perform an ultrasound of the duodenum and jejunum sections of the small intestines in a dog or a cat.

For example, the vet may suspect a GI foreign body, inflammatory disease, or neoplasia. 

Here are a few key checkpoints to remember when scanning the duodenum and jejunum.

Setting Up the Gastrointestinal Ultrasound Study

If a patient can be fasted, that’s ideal.

An empty gastrointestinal tract may be easier to visualize, whereas food or digestive content may cause artifacts such as beam attenuation. However, this won’t be possible for all patients, especially in an emergency situation.

Patients are often placed in dorsal recumbency, although lateral recumbency may also be used. The patient can also be repositioned mid-study if needed for better visualization. 

Performing a Thorough Evaluation

Often, a GI ultrasound study is part of an entire abdominal study. In some cases, the GI tract may be visualized on its own. Either way, to ensure nothing is missed, it’s important to perform the study the same way each time. Many experts recommend keeping it simple by following the GI tract in its normal order of digestion, i.e. starting with the stomach, then moving on to the small intestines (duodenum, jejunum, ileum), cecum, and colon. Examine each segment in both longitudinal and transverse views.

Evaluation should include wall thickness (and whether that thickness remains uniform within each GI section), wall layers, luminal contents, signs of obstruction, the presence of a GI mass or multiple masses, infiltrative disease, and whether there’s normal motility/peristalsis.

The Duodenum

The duodenum is located along the right lateral abdominal wall in dogs. It can be found near (ventral to or ventrolateral to) the right kidney. The cranial portion may be challenging to see and may require viewing via an intercostal approach.

In cats, the duodenum may be closer to midline, or just right of midline.

The wall of the duodenum is up to 5mm thick in dogs, and 2-2.5mm thick in cats.


It’s often difficult to trace the long jejunum loop by loop. So, most veterinarians evaluate the jejunum by sweeping the transducer from side to side across the abdomen, in a cranial to caudal direction. Slightly overlapping each sweep will ensure that nothing is missed.

The wall of the jejunum is 2-5mm in dogs, and 2-2.5mm in cats. 

Evaluating the Layers of the Intestinal Walls

The walls of the intestinal tract have 5 specific layers, in this order: the luminal-mucosal interface (most interior layer), mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa (outermost layer). 

In longitudinal view, these layers are easily distinguished from one another (in a normal patient), thanks to their alternating pattern of hyper- and hypoechogenicity. The inner and outermost layers, and the submucosa, are hyperechoic. The mucosa and muscularis are hypoechoic. 

If these 5 layers are not distinctly visible throughout the intestines, it could indicate a problem. For example, focal wall thickening with obliteration of the layers could indicate focal neoplasia.

Make notes of any wall thickenings, whether they’re focal or diffuse, and whether the 5 layers are still distinguishable or not.

One normal finding that could be mistaken for abnormal is Peyer’s patches (pseudoulcers) in dogs, which appear as focal, hyperechoic indentations within the hypoechoic mucosal layer.

Signs of Obstruction

Sometimes, the obstructing foreign body may be visualized directly. However, this is often not possible. So, a foreign body obstruction may be detected due to differences in intestinal dilation proximal and distal to the point of obstruction. The intestinal tract proximal to the obstruction would tend to be dilated with fluid and gas, while the distal intestinal tract is normal or even empty.

With a linear foreign body, plication of the intestines may be seen via ultrasound. The foreign body itself may or may not be well visualized.

In case of an intussusception, the affected section of intestines will have a characteristic “bullseye” appearance in transverse view. If this is noted in an older pet, be sure to search for signs of neoplasia that could explain why the intussusception occurred.

Intestines may be hypermotile with a recent obstruction, but possibly hypomotile with a more chronic condition.

GI Neoplasia and Inflammatory Conditions

Neoplasia in the digestive tract may occur as a solitary mass, multiple masses, or diffusely as an infiltrative disease.

As mentioned above, discreet masses are often identified because of their focal thickness relative to the rest of the intestines and disruption of the wall layers.

Infiltrative disease, however, can be more difficult to pinpoint. There may be wall thickening with or without disruption of the wall layers. In particular, it can be challenging or impossible to differentiate between small cell lymphoma and inflammatory bowel disease in cats without further testing.

Regional lymph nodes should be evaluated, too.



The duodenum and jejunum are an important part of any GI evaluation. It’s helpful to get an idea of what’s normal and what’s not for these sections of the small intestines, as they’re commonly evaluated for a variety of conditions, including those listed above. 

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Evaluating the Urinary Bladder on Ultrasound


An ultrasound of the urinary bladder can be recommended for a number of reasons, including suspected uroliths, cystitis, and neoplasia—to name a few.

Often, the evaluation includes the entire abdomen and any other parts of the urinary tract that can be visualized.

Given all the conditions that can affect the bladder, as well as important information from an ultrasound study to help guide the treatment plan, it’s beneficial to gain proficiency in evaluating the bladder via ultrasound.

Use a Systemic Approach to Evaluating the Bladder

A systemic approach to the whole abdomen is good, and a bladder evaluation is usually just one part of an abdominal ultrasound study. So while it may be tempting to jump to the bladder right away if the patient is having urinary symptoms, it’s best to complete your abdominal ultrasound study in the same order that you usually do it.

Once you reach the urinary bladder, a systemic approach is again useful, to ensure nothing is missed. Here is one method for a stepwise evaluation…

  • Is the overall bladder shape normal and as expected? Through practice, a veterinarian can get a good feel for what shape is normal for canine and feline patients, and how it may change if the bladder is full versus empty or nearly empty.

  • How does the lumen of the bladder look? If urine is present, is the urine is anechoic? Is there sludge, sediment, crystalline material, a polyp, or anything else that is abnormal?

  • If there are uroliths present, they generally appear as hyperechoic structures inside the lumen of the bladder. There may be acoustic shadowing, and the calculi may move freely depending on how large they are. 

  • Is the bladder wall smooth, a normal thickness, and well-defined? Be sure to evaluate the entire bladder. If cystitis is present the wall may be focally or generally thickened or have irregularities in the mucosa, depending on the severity and duration of the cystitis. Keep an eye out for polyps or masses/tumors, too. Also, look for deviations in the wall that could indicate a urinary bladder diverticulum.

  • If a mass is present, make note of the size, appearance, and location. Transitional cell carcinoma, the most common neoplasia of the bladder, tends to occur in the bladder wall near the neck and trigone. Commonly, these masses are hyperechoic or mixed echoic and have been compared to cauliflower in appearance. Evaluate nearby blood vessels and regional lymph nodes, too. Avoid cystocentesis or aspiration for samples, because of the risk of seeding the neoplasia into the abdominal cavity when the needle is withdrawn. Sometimes, it’s easy to confuse blood clots with masses, so keep this in mind and re-evaluate as needed.

  • Be sure to evaluate other urogenital structures, including the kidneys and ureters (the latter are often not visible unless there’s an abnormality), as well as blood vessels and lymph nodes in the region. Remember to look for the uterus/ovaries in intact females and the prostate in males, although it might not be possible to visualize these structures in all patients, especially if they are normal.

Whenever abnormalities are noticed, describe them in detail and take measurements. Include all of this in the notes. Even if things look normal, it’s still a good idea to take some measurements (such as bladder wall thickness) and describe what you’re seeing, as a baseline for comparison in case anything changes in the future.

A Few Tips

A full bladder can help with visualizing certain lesions (such as hyperechoic uroliths) by providing “contrast” or a backdrop to help make abnormalities stand out. Also, a full bladder smooths out the bladder wall, whereas an empty bladder may lead to false readings of wall thickening or masses. Additionally, a large bladder allows for an easier ultrasound-guided cystocentesis. So whenever possible, try to ultrasound with a full, or at least partly full, bladder. In some cases, it may be appropriate to give the patient water or IV/SQ fluids and wait for the bladder to fill prior to the study.

Pressure from the transducer can alter the bladder’s shape.

So be sure to practice with various pressures and become familiar with how the appearance of the bladder might change.

Repositioning the patient can also be helpful.

This may give you a better viewing angle and position for certain structures. Having the patient stand up may put gravity in your favor by decreasing the distance between the bladder and the probe. Also, patient movement may cause sludge/sediment to move around or disperse so that it’s not mistaken for a urolith.

Have appropriately sized needles, syringes, and collection materials available.

In case an aspiration/cystocentesis is needed, it’s best to have supplies ready to go.


Ultrasound of the urinary bladder is a very valuable skill, and it works well in conjunction with information gained from x-ray studies. Training and practice in ultrasound of the urinary bladder are often well worth it for patient care and for additional income from ultrasound studies. 

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Finding the Adrenal Glands in Large Dogs using Ultrasound

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A thorough abdominal ultrasound includes evaluating the adrenal glands.

Common reasons to look at the adrenals include searching for signs of neoplasia, Cushing’s, or Addison’s disease. And even in animals where adrenal disease isn’t suspected, sometimes growths or other changes to the gland(s) are discovered incidentally.

Unfortunately, sometimes adrenals can play “hide and seek” and be tough to find. That’s true for any dog—but especially for large dogs with deep abdomens, since the abdomen may be too thick for the ultrasound waves to penetrate well. 

Having a repeatable system for where to look can help. Here are some steps for finding those tiny glands inside of a big dog…

Perform an Abdominal Ultrasound in the Same Order Every Time

Just like reading an x-ray or performing a physical exam, a systemic approach helps ensure that nothing is missed. 

Each veterinarian may have their own preference for how to go through a scan in a stepwise fashion. For example, some may scan cranially to caudally. Others may scan clockwise, or have some other system. Any system is fine, so long as it covers everything you need to see and is easy to repeat on each patient. So choose what works best for you.

In addition to revealing unexpected abnormalities of the adrenal gland(s) sometimes, systemically examining the entire abdomen will also help a veterinarian gain experience. Then, when it’s time to locate the glands on a patient with suspected adrenal disease, you’ll have plenty of practice to fall back on and may feel less pressure.

Where to Find the LEFT Adrenal Gland

  • To narrow the search, first, find the left kidney by scanning the left dorsal mid-abdomen.

  • Next, narrow the search even further by finding the vascular landmarks: the aorta (in long view) and the left renal artery. 

  • Look for the spot where the left renal artery branches off from the aorta. The left adrenal gland should be just cranial to this junction.

Where to Find the RIGHT Adrenal Gland

  • First, locate the right kidney by scanning the right cranial abdomen.

  • Next, locate the vascular landmarks: the caudal vena cava (in long view) and the cranial mesenteric artery.

  • Apply some pressure, which will cause compression of the caudal vena cava and allow better visualization of the adrenal gland. The gland is dorsolateral to the vena cava and just cranial to the cranial mesenteric artery.

A Few Tips

It may be tempting to use the kidneys as a primary landmark since the adrenal glands are located near each kidney. However, the kidneys may overshadow the small glands. So while the kidneys are a good starting point, it’s also important to use vascular landmarks.

Color Doppler can be a big help, too. It often makes it easier to find and view vascular landmarks.

Minimize the distance between the probe and the adrenal glands as much as possible. This can be done by moving the probe as needed, and by applying gentle pressure if the patient allows.

What to Include In the Medical Record

Be sure to describe any abnormalities. Additionally, rather than just noting ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’, it’s good to provide specific details in case a comparison is needed in the future. Here are some things to note, even if the glands look normal…

  • Measure and record the size of each gland. Measurements are typically taken from the cranial to caudal pole, as well as a measurement of the thickness of each pole.

  • Note if the glands are hypoechoic to surrounding fat or if their appearance is different than expected.

  • Classic adrenal gland shape has been compared to a ‘peanut’, or sometimes an ‘arrowhead’ for the right adrenal. Note if the shape is as expected or if it’s abnormal.

  • If any abnormalities are noted, list the most likely rule-outs and a recommendation for follow-up/monitoring or further diagnostics if indicated.


With practice, locating the adrenal glands will become second nature. It may still be challenging on some patients, but having a repeatable system and gaining experience will help.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Veterinary X-Ray Options: Naomi and CareRay Explained

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Comparing X-Ray Panels: Naomi and CareRay

Digital radiography equipment continues to evolve, with several types of x-ray detectors or sensors available to veterinarians.

So, which is right for your practice? Do you need the latest technology to provide the best care, or is it best to get the most mileage you can out of previous generations of technology?

The Evolution of Digital X-Ray Detectors

Just like our cell phones and tablets, maybe it feels like there’s always a new type of x-ray technology available, whether you’re looking for small or large animal x-ray equipment, or for general, mobile, or dental radiography.

When trying to research the technology and all the lingo, maybe the choice feels a bit overwhelming.

To start with the basics, here’s a quick overview of the most common digital radiography plates on the market right now…

  • CR (computed radiography). CR cassettes are also known as phosphor plates. In terms of practical application, the biggest difference between CR and DR is probably the fact that CR requires an extra step—rather than the image being transferred directly from the plates to a computer, the sensors must be read by the CR plate reader.

  • DR (direct [capture] radiography). DR technology allows images to be read directly from the plate and then show up on a computer screen, which is usually a rapid process. Within DR, there are two main types of plate technologies: 

    • CCD panels. Charge-coupled device (CCD) detectors are generally built into or attached directly to the x-ray table. This technology has been compared to a digital camera in the way it detects and records light. 

    • Flat-panel detectors. Here, the x-rays are converted into an electrical signal (either directly, or indirectly by first converting x-rays into light and then into an electrical signal). The panel is separate from the x-ray table and can be removed in case a horizontal beam is needed. 

The advantages of flat panels include lower x-ray doses and better detail and clarity in the images (although opinions on image quality vary amongst practitioners). On the other hand, flat panels tend to cost more than CCD panels.

Note: The abbreviation DR is also used for “digital radiography” in general, in addition to direct capture panels.

Additional X-Ray Equipment Considerations

In addition to the detector that picks up the x-ray beam, successful radiographs also require…

  • An x-ray generator, which produces the x-ray beam. This may be purchased as part of a new digital x-ray system. Or, older generators and tables may be retrofitted to be compatible with a new digital sensor.

  • Software. This is what shows the x-ray image that was picked up by the sensor so that a veterinarian can see and read the image. It’s also where images are stored as part of the medical record, or shared electronically with clients, other veterinary clinics, or specialists as needed.

  • Wired or wireless technology. So far as the sensor or plate goes, some have wire connections while others are wireless.

In addition to considering which sensor technology is a good fit for your practice, it’s important to think about whether or not any other equipment needs to be upgraded, and how compatible the whole system will be together.

When Is It Time to Upgrade?

This depends a bit on a veterinary practice’s needs. Typically, it’s not necessary to replace equipment for the latest model every time new technology is available, and it may be possible to keep older equipment in good working order for many years.

Using the Naomi CCD panels and CareRay Cesium (DR) panels as an example, here are some considerations…

  • If a clinic is using older Naomi CCD panels that are still producing great, diagnostic images, then it’s typically not necessary to upgrade to a flat panel detector.

The veterinarian is not missing out by hanging onto older technology that still gets the job done.

  • What if the plates work fine but there’s a software problem—say, the software is no longer supported? Or, what if there’s no longer any technical support or a warranty available for the plates, which sometimes happens with older technology? 

Here, the decision to upgrade may come down to personal preference, budget, risk tolerance, and how much time and effort it takes to get readable images from the software. 

  • Of course, if the panels are no longer producing diagnostic images, then it’s probably time to upgrade. 

You can always check on your warranty if it’s still in place or ask about the cost of repairs, but sometimes veterinarians find that repairs are costly on older technology and their investment may be better spent on an upgrade. But this strategy will vary depending on each individual business and situation.

No matter which equipment you are currently using (or considering purchasing), remember to also think about things such as availability and cost of technical support, whether a loaner plate is available during repairs, and how the software integrates with your practice software.

Also, see if you can sell your used equipment (or make a trade-in, if your vendor allows) to offset the costs of new equipment.

All of these factors will aid in the decision of whether or not it’s time for an upgrade. 

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Portable Equine X-Ray Generators: What’s Better, Plug In Or Battery Powered?

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Plug-In Or Battery Powered?

As an equine practitioner, many of your daily practice needs are different from those of your small animal colleagues. 

Maybe you meet your patients where they are, in a barn or on a farm call. Or, even if you have a facility that allows for equine visits and hospitalization, you may still need portable equipment to bring with you into a stall.

So, which type of portable generator is best for you: plug-in or battery-powered? Here are some things to consider…

Benefits of Battery Powered Portable Equine Generators

One obvious advantage is that a battery-powered generator may be easier to use out in the field, for the simple fact that you’re “wireless” and thus not dependent on a power outlet. This may be especially helpful in situations where power outlets are not immediately accessible, during power outages in inclement weather, or in some barns or other locations where the power supply may be less consistent.

The lack of a cord also allows for simpler mobility during use. There’s no need to untangle a cord and no possibility of tripping over the wire at any point during the procedure.

Benefits of Plug-In Portable Equine Generators

The most common reason for equine practitioners to choose a plug-in generator is probably this: They don’t want the battery to run out!

Nowadays, there are battery-powered generators available that have long battery life. However, depending on how many hours you’re out, a battery may or may not meet your needs. Or, a team member may forget to charge it between shifts. Also, some practitioners note that battery life may decrease over time—and that the batteries of an x-ray generator can be very expensive to replace.

Additional considerations mentioned by some veterinarians are that plug-in generators may weigh less than battery-powered units. Also, plug-in units may cost less on average. There are variations in weight and equipment cost from model to model, though.

Other Considerations

Different brands and models may offer different price points, battery/equipment expected lifespan and other important differences. Doing research before a purchase is crucial.

This includes talking to the company, as well as speaking to colleagues for recommendations (ask companies for referrals to other practitioners in your area who use the equipment or ask around in online forums or in-person events).

In addition to the equipment itself, you’ll also want to consider things like warranty, ongoing costs (repair and service costs, and image storage costs for digital), integration with any of your current equipment (for example, if you already have a plate), ease of use, durability in rugged conditions or temperature extremes, and whether 24/7 live technical support is available.

With all this in mind, different veterinarians may have different preferences—there’s no one size fits all in terms of plug-in versus battery-powered portable equine generators, or in terms of a particular brand and model that are best for everyone.


So be sure to do your research and gather feedback from colleagues, but also think about what will work best for your own preferences and individual practice needs.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Ultrasound-Guided Cystocentesis: Pros & Cons for Veterinary

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A cystocentesis offers advantages over other urine collection methods

If you work in a small animal veterinary practice, there’s a good chance you’ve performed, assisted with, ordered, or overseen a cystocentesis in many of your patients.

A cystocentesis offers advantages over other urine collection methods in that it provides a sterile sample, as opposed to free catch or even catheter methods that may contain contamination with pathogens or cells from the skin or urethra.

But how does an ultrasound-guided cystocentesis compare to a blind cystocentesis obtained via palpation or anatomical landmarks?

Your preference may depend on your practice style, experience, and patient needs. But here are a few things to consider…

Which Patients Are Good Candidates for Ultrasound-Guided Cystocentesis?

Here are a few factors that may determine if an ultrasound-guided cystocentesis is a good option for any particular patient…

  • Large or overweight patients. A blind (or non-ultrasound assisted) cystocentesis may be straightforward on cats, and even small dogs, who are not overweight. In these patients, it is often possible to palpate the urinary bladder and to easily reach the bladder with a standard-length needle. 

However, difficulties arise in patients who are overweight, which makes it more challenging to feel and reach the bladder. Additionally, an ultrasound can help guide your needle with large dogs.

  • Patients with “hard to stick” bladders. Maybe your patient’s bladder is thickened due to chronic cystitis or another condition. Or, maybe the patient’s bladder is small. 

Either way, an ultrasound provides additional direction (and visualization) of partially-full or otherwise difficult-to-obtain-a-sample-from bladders.

  • Patients whose bladders could use a visual evaluation. If you’re obtaining a cystocentesis because the patient has urinary symptoms, a quick scan can provide more information about any obvious lesions. 

Use this for your own peace of mind (i.e., there’s no bladder tumor present at the time of the cysto), or create a charge for urinary ultrasound evaluation packaged together with other diagnostics.

Which Patients Are NOT Good Candidates for Ultrasound-Guided Cystocentesis?

  • Thin cats with big bladders. Depending on your practice style and preference, you may find it’s easier to do a blind cystocentesis on a cat with an easily palpable bladder, especially for routine health checks. 

Although it may still be worth doing an ultrasound if the cat presented for urinary symptoms, so you can look at the bladder.

  • Patients with bladder masses or tumors. If a patient has transitional cell carcinoma, placing a needle into the bladder may “seed” tumor cells into the abdomen as the needle is withdrawn. 

So any time a mass is present or suspected, it’s good to be cautious and skip the cysto (with or without ultrasound).

  • Fractious or wiggly patients. These patients may not be good candidates for either ultrasound-guided or blind cystocentesis, since it wouldn’t be good for them to move around while the needle is inserted.

However, sedation may make the procedure possible for these dogs and cats.

PROS of Ultrasound-Guided Cystocentesis Versus Blind Cystocentesis 

Advantages include…

  • Quick and easy. If you’re new to ultrasound-guided cystocentesis, it may take some practice. But soon it becomes a habit and may even be faster than a blind cysto.

  • Visualization of the bladder. You know exactly where the needle is heading, and therefore you have an improved likelihood of getting a sample from a small or partially-full bladder. 

Plus, you may want to do a quick bladder evaluation to look for things like uroliths, sludge, or bladder masses, as this could change your recommended course of treatment.

  • Safety. Supporters of ultrasound-guided cystocentesis point out that if you can see where the needle is going, there’s less risk of accidental puncture of other organs or blood vessels. 

CONS of Ultrasound-Guided Cystocentesis Versus Blind Cystocentesis 

  • Training and practice are needed. It may take a little time for your team to become comfortable with this new method. Fortunately, it’s simple and straightforward to learn.

  • Creating a charge for the service. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing—after all, you should be paid for your time and expertise when you provide a service.

However, there are differing opinions from practice to practice as to when and how to charge.

  • For example, will you charge for all ultrasound-guided cystocentesis?

  • Or only charge as part of a package with other diagnostics (urine analysis, urine culture and sensitivity, and quick ultrasound evaluation of the bladder, for example) in patients who are symptomatic?

  • And how much will you charge?

  • Small risk of side effects. The most common side effect is hematuria, which is mild and transient. Other risks do exist, such as bladder rupture or injury, organ or blood vessel puncture, urine leakage into the abdomen, the spread of bladder cancer, or vagal reactions (retching, panting, hypersalivation, collapse). 

While these effects are quite rare, it’s always worth considering the risks of any procedure before performing it, especially in patients who may be at higher risk due to underlying health conditions.

Investing in Ultrasound Training

In addition to teaching your team members to do an ultrasound-guided cystocentesis, it’s worth considering training in ultrasound examinations for you or one of your DVM associates.

There are plenty of other uses, including but not limited to abdominal evaluation for organs, masses, ascites, or even pregnancy, and cardiac or pericardial evaluations.

By maximizing your ultrasound usage, you can offer more diagnostics to your patients, while also getting the best ROI on your equipment investment—a win-win.

Disclaimer: This article is for general informational purposes only, and not intended as a guide to the medical treatment of any specific animal.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

10 Marketing Ideas for Your New Veterinary Practice

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Even in the beginning stages of planning your veterinary practice, it helps to think about marketing alongside all the practical considerations like financing, equipment, and staffing.

Marketing is how you let potential clients know who you are, and what sets you apart from the competition. It’s what helps you bring in more and more clients as your practice grows.

With that in mind, today we have a list of marketing ideas for veterinary practices. 

We’ll have in-depth articles on some of these topics down the line, so you can learn more. But for now, here are 10 ideas to inspire your plan for your very own practice…

1. Make Sure Your Website is Mobile-Friendly

Today, the largest pet-owning population in the US is Millennials. As you may have guessed, Millennials spend a lot of time online, especially on devices like smartphones.

So, it’s important to make sure your website shows up clearly and quickly not just on a computer screen, but also on a small, vertical smartphone screen. If you’re not sure whether or not your practice’s website is optimized for mobile, talk to your website host or manager.

2. Claim Your “Google My Business” Listing

This online listing is connected to Google Maps, and optimizing it can improve your rankings in online search results.

3. Content Marketing

This broad category includes things such as…

  • Blog posts and articles.

  • Email newsletters.

  • Client handouts and educational materials.

  • Testimonials or case studies (success stories of some of your patients, published with their owner’s permission).

Content marketing works like this…

Clients read informative content from you. Then, when the time comes for their pet to receive care, they won’t even look anywhere else… They’ll want to bring their pet to you, because they already feel like they’ve gotten to know you—and that they can trust you—after reading your blog posts or newsletter.

So, this is a long-term strategy. The good news is, the work you put in can help to develop long-term client relationships and promote client retention.

Plus, this is a convenient way to update current clients on new services you’ve added to your practice, as well as any specials or promotions.

If you’re not sure where to start—or, if you don’t enjoy writing—consider working with a professional veterinary copywriter, who can guide you and help you create content.

4. Online Reviews

Don’t leave your online reviews to chance, or in the hands of difficult-to-please clients (who are often the only ones who remember to take the time to leave a review).

We’ll have a more in-depth article later, but some simple strategies to encourage good reviews are simply asking happy clients if they would mind leaving a review (but don’t place pressure, or tell them what to say), and making it easy with a “Review us now” button on your website or in a post-visit email.

5. Use Social Media

Your social media platforms can be great places to engage with your clients (and thus reinforce their bond to your practice). It’s also great for announcing updates to your practice, and sharing specials and promotions.

The occasional fun contest or giveaway (such as having a small prize for captioning a cute pet photo) can also encourage clients to interact with you, and strengthen your client relationships.

6. Create Videos

Next to Google, YouTube is the most used search engine.

So, creating useful or cute videos for pet owners can help your practice show up higher in online search results and nurture a client’s bond to your practice.

Fortunately, nowadays you don’t have to be a tech whiz or own an expensive camera to produce a reasonable quality video. Most modern smartphones have a great camera that can be used for this purpose.

Video ideas include a tour of your facilities, introductions to staff members, short educational content for pet owners, and “how-to” videos such as a demonstration on how to properly clean a pet’s ears or give a pet medicine.

Post the videos on your website and social media, and ideally on YouTube, too.

7. Start a Rewards Program

Consider punch cards for products such as parasite prevention or pet food, to encourage pet owners to return to you for purchasing these supplies.

8. Start a Referral Program

Create an incentive—such as a small discount on the next visit—for current clients to refer friends to you.

9. Build Relationships With Other Community Businesses

For example, offer a first free exam to pets adopted from the local shelter or rescue organization, so that these businesses will refer new clients to you.

Or, develop a relationship with a local grooming or boarding facility. They can refer to you, and vice versa.

10. Hold Classes at Your Practice

This could mean puppy or kitten, socialization classes.

Or, it could mean an educational evening for pet parents on nutrition, first aid, or other topics of interest.

Consider holding these classes a couple of times per month to create a positive perception of your clinic, and to find new clients who are interested in providing a high level of care to their pets.

There are many other marketing techniques out there, but this should give you a great place to start—and hopefully, it’s sparked some ideas for seeing your veterinary practice grow and thrive!

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Five Essential Veterinary Practice Financing Questions

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When it comes to opening your own veterinary practice, financing may be one of the most important—and most daunting—hurdles to overcome.

Since most practice-owners-to-be don’t have a large cash reserve saved up or an angel investor waiting in the wings, chances are you’ll need to look for financing.

Every situation is different, and working with financial experts and veterinary consultants can help you make the best decision for your future.

Here are a few good questions to ask yourself along the way…

What Do I Need Financing For?


Evaluating the following factors can help you figure out how much you’ll need to borrow…

The Practice Space

The most obvious thing you’ll need to finance is the space in which you intend to practice.

This could mean acquiring an existing practice, leasing a new space, or breaking ground and building your own practice from the ground up.

Less commonly, this could also mean a buy-in option at a practice where you currently work as an associate, or even a franchise opportunity.

Major Equipment

Your veterinary practice can’t operate without equipment like an x-ray machine, exam room tables, surgery lighting, a dentistry unit, computers, and more…

Fortunately, you have options

Financing may be available directly from the equipment seller, or from a bank (often called a “capital lease”), so you can pay as you go and start making a return on your investment right away. 

Also, consider purchasing used equipment. Sites such as offer high-quality used equipment you can score at a great bargain.

Daily Supplies

All those little costs add up, including needles, syringes, pharmaceuticals, cleaning supplies, surgical scrub, gloves, and anything else you need for your practice’s daily operation.

Other Operating Costs

When making a business plan, don’t forget to factor in costs such as wages, insurance, utilities, landscaping, licenses, and more.

How Much Can I Afford to Live On?

Most new businesses don’t make a profit for the first 1-3 years… and unfortunately, veterinary practices are no exception.

It takes time to grow a business to the point where the money coming in each month is more than your expenses. And until that happens, you might not be taking home a salary.

This doesn’t impact everyone in the same way, though. For example…

  • Purchasing an established practice may mean you have more clients initially than if you start up a brand-new practice.

  • Some new practice owners have a spouse whose income can cover all of their household expenses in the meantime, while others do not.

  • You may have other life factors that limit you from taking risks with a new business, such as dependents or health considerations.

If owning a practice is your dream but you’re concerned about limited income while your practice gets up and running, talk to a veterinary consultant to figure out if practice ownership is right for you, and see what’s the safest path for you to realize your dream.

How Do My Student Loans Factor In?

According to an article in Today’s Veterinary Business, veterinary lenders don’t typically expect you to have your student loans paid off before you start a practice of your own. 

That makes sense because with today’s growing costs of veterinary education, paying off student debt quickly isn’t always a realistic expectation.

However, be sure your student loan and other debts are in good standing. Very few lenders are going to trust you with a practice loan if your student debt is in default.

And, of course, you’ll have to factor your student loan payments into your own income needs and overall financial picture.

When in doubt, it never hurts to find out more, rather than assuming student loan debt would prevent you from starting the veterinary practice of your dreams. You’ll never know for sure if you don’t do the research.

Where Do I Find a Good Lender?

There are some veterinary-specific lenders out there. These businesses can be a good option because they understand your industry and may have realistic expectations in terms of starting costs and a repayment timeline.

Small Business Administration loans (government-backed lending funded and serviced by banks) may be another good option, with flexible terms and conditions.

And, local banks or lenders may offer great customer service and community knowledge. 

So, explore your options and see which lender works best for you. 

Ask a lot of questions to see what your lender’s customer service and communication style are like, and to find out important information such as…

  • The required down payment.

  • The term of the loan.

  • The interest rate.

  • Fees associated with the loan.

  • Penalties for late payments or pre-payment.

  • Any available special arrangements, such as graduated repayments (loan payments that start small when your business is new, then gradually increase over time as your business becomes more established and successful).

In general, many lenders require a business plan and financial projections to fund your new practice. 

How Do I Figure All of This Out?

While there are never any guarantees when you start a new business, doing your due diligence before you finance will help you make the best possible investment.

This will likely involve a CPA or financial advisor, a veterinary management consultant, and experts in demographics and feasibility for new practices—to name a few.

These experts can offer invaluable advice, and also help you with the business plan and financial projections you’ll need.

Be sure to put in the time to research. And, invest in expert advice to help you make the best decisions for yourself and your future.


If you need help with financing, Call me - I can help you - 530-722-4977 Brad Haven, Jr.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Tips for Starting a New Veterinary Hospital or Clinic

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If you’re looking to start your own veterinary practice, congratulations!

You’ll have a lot to think about and plan. But, there’s nothing like being able to run your practice exactly the way you want to—to make your dream come to life.

This article is the first in a 10-part series discussing the different aspects of practice ownership—everything from location, to staffing, to equipment, to marketing.

This will help you think through some of the key decisions that come with opening a practice of your own.

Veterinary Practice Location

Of course, one of the very first questions you might ask yourself is where your new business should be located.

In some cases—such as if you have a spouse with a long-term local job commitment—you may not be able to relocate.

But, even then, you could look at nearby cities within an hour’s drive (or, however long of a commute you are willing to make).

Whether staying in place or relocating, when looking at your desired location, here are some things to ask yourself…

  • What’s my ideal clientele? 

When looking at local socioeconomic factors, does this line up with the level of care and pricing strategy you intend to offer? Also, is your clientele younger and more likely to want things like telehealth and online appointment scheduling?

  • What’s my competition? 

Knowing whether your ideal location is already saturated with veterinary hospitals can help determine whether it’s wise to open a new practice there—or, at least help you think of some way to differentiate your practice from the crowd.

  • Which logistics do I need to consider? 

For example, what’s the parking situation like? Are you conveniently located near major roads or shopping areas? And, where on the property can dogs go to the bathroom?

Services Offered

Are you a general practitioner? A specialist? 

Knowing EXACTLY what you offer will help determine where you fit within the local community.

For example, a neurologist or ophthalmologist may fit in nicely even if the area is already filled with GPs.

And, if you are a GP, maybe there’s some other way to distinguish your practice and provide something new and unique to the community. For example…

  • Emergency hours.

  • Urgent care hours.

  • Care for exotic pets.

  • House calls.

  • Hospice care.

  • Acupuncture or holistic care.

  • Large animal care and farm calls.

Will You Be On Call?

Depending on your state’s practice license requirements, you may need to provide access to 24-hour pet care—whether at your hospital alone or by recommending a local 24-hour facility to your clients.

So, if you don’t intend to be on call for emergencies, research what’s available in your area to fill this need for round the clock emergency services.

To Build or Not To Build?

Do you want to build an entirely new facility, tailored to your specific vision? 

This may be to your benefit, especially if you want to integrate some of the Fear Free standards for lighting, insulation, separate entrances, and more.

On the other hand, you may have found a practice for sale at a location that’s hard to beat, with an established clientele.

While less common, franchising may also be an option.

In any case, you’ll also have to decide whether to buy or lease the property.

The Legal Stuff

If you don’t have the right business permits and licenses, that could result in severe financial or disciplinary penalties.

You’ll need to research what’s required in your area, but examples include…

  • Veterinary licenses for yourself and all associates.

  • A veterinary practice permit.

  • Local business licenses for your city or state.

  • Registration for taxes.

  • Forming an LLC, corporation, or other legal entity.

  • A DEA license for controlled substances.

And in addition to licenses and permits, you’ll also need to plan for…

  • A CPA or other professional for bookkeeping, financial planning, and filing your taxes.

  • Liability insurance.

  • Occupational health and safety requirements (OSHA).

  • Hazardous waste and EPA requirements.

  • Employment contracts.

  • Developing a business plan.

Considerations for Modern Times

Modern times have resulted in the need for changes to the way most veterinarians practice.

At the time of this writing, curbside service is the norm because of the coronavirus pandemic. And, telemedicine is being added to many practices.

Because of the convenience of telemedicine in your clients’ busy schedules, many pet owners may expect this service to continue even after social distancing precautions are lifted.

So, what modern services and conveniences do you think your potential clients will want? How can you stay competitive?

It’s Best to Work With A Consultant

Before you make a big investment, it’s a good idea to work with a consultant—or, more likely, a team of several experts and advisers.

These specialists can walk you through legal, financial, demographic/feasibility information for start-ups, valuation for the sale of established practices, HR management and compliance, real estate, equipment and supplies, and various other aspects of practice ownership.

This will not only save you time but also ensure you’ve considered all angles and have the best chance of finding success as a veterinarian and business owner.

One helpful resource is Vet Partners, where you can search for experts and consultants by location and specialty.

Look for veterinary consultants, and for businesses (such as banks and real estate agents) who are used to working with veterinary practices and understand the nuances of your business.

Also, consider talking to other veterinarians who have been in your shoes and purchased a practice recently, who can share the wisdom of their experience. 

How Will Your Clients Find You?

Once you establish your dream practice, you need to ensure new clients know you exist, and that they want to bring their pets to you.

In this day and age, your online presence (your website and social media) will play a large role in helping new clients find you.

So, in the next article, we’ll have some tips for making sure your online presence truly conveys how great your practice is.

Stay tuned!

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Patient Injury & Complications In Veterinary Dentistry


The nature of anesthesia brings risk in general. In veterinary medicine, during dental procedures, pets are often placed in vulnerable positions which can lead to increased risk of injury and medical complications.

These risks can be minimized or entirely avoided with careful consideration, and proper training and continuing education of staff. Listed are a few of the more common injuries that can occur during a dental procedure.

Aspiration Pneumonia

Aspiration pneumonia in pet patients occurs when the patient inhales a foreign substance and develops lung inflammation and infection as a result.

The most common occurrence during dentistry is water and debris entering an unprotected airway, hence allowing fluid and debris to enter the lungs. This can occur from an underinflated tracheal tube, or repositioning during the procedure that allows fluid to enter the airway.

Aspiration pneumonia can also occur if the patient vomits or regurgitates during anesthetic recovery.. To reduce the incidence of dental-related aspiration pneumonia, maintaining the patient on their back during the procedure, and avoiding repositioning has proven to not only lessen the risk of aspiration but also lessens the amount of anesthesia needed during the procedure.

In addition, antiemetic medications given during the premedication phase can help reduce the incidence of post-anesthetic nausea and vomiting. Caution should be taken during the recovery phase to wait until the patient is alert and responsive enough to deflate the cuff and remove the tracheal tube.

Tracheal rupture

Tracheal rupture in dogs and cats are more frequent during dental procedures than any other medical procedure. Seventy-five percent of tracheal ruptures are thought to be associated with oral surgical procedures with the incidence more common in cats than dogs.

Tracheal injury can cause symptoms such as mild dyspnea, and even death. The most likely cause of tracheal rupture is thought to be due to an overinflated tracheal cuff, as well as failing to detach the tracheal tube from the anesthesia hose during repositioning, which can cause a torque on the inflated cuff resulting in a tear of the dorsal membrane of the trachea.

Another common cause of tracheal rupture is a patient that is not adequately anesthetized and coughs or lunges upward during intubation, tearing the trachea.

Pressure from an overinflated cuff can cause pressure necrosis of the trachea, showing delayed symptoms of inflammation and scarring.

Avoiding over-inflation of the cuff, using new tracheal tubes, testing the cuff to ensure proper inflation prior to use, avoiding repositioning as much as possible, and ensuring a level plane of anesthesia prior to intubation can help minimize the risk of tracheal rupture.

Artery Damage during Tooth Extractions

Arterial damage to arteries such as the palatine artery which runs the length of the mandible can accidentally occur during routine tooth extractions where the instrument can slip from the practitioner’s hand.

These injuries can be mild to more severe requiring surgical intervention.

The most effective way to avoid this type of injury is to implement extraction techniques involving gingival flaps where the roots are exposed, and more easily undermined, and extracted. 

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Ultrasound-Guided Cystocentesis: How and Why to Do One


There are several ways to collect a urine sample from your patient, including free catching, using a urinary catheter, and doing a cystocentesis.

A cystocentesis—which involves obtaining a urine sample via a needle placed directly into the bladder—may be the preferred method in many cases.

This is especially true when you need a sterile urine sample, such as for culture and sensitivity testing for UTIs. And in general, a cystocentesis will provide more accurate results than a free catch urine sample, since it reduces contamination from cells or pathogens of the skin.

It’s possible to perform a cystocentesis by palpating the bladder or using anatomical landmarks alone. However, an ultrasound can make the process easier by removing the guesswork and allowing you to visualize everything.

Here’s how it works…

How to perform an ultrasound-guided cystocentesis for dogs and cats

  1. Prepare for the procedure.

    • Use an appropriate size syringe (usually 3ml to 12ml) based on the size of your patient.

    • Choose a needle size and length based on your patient size. A 22g needle works well for many patients.

    • Use a towel, trough, or other cushioning to make your patient more comfortable during the procedure. This may help minimize their movement.

  2. Use appropriate patient restraint.

    • For some dogs and cats, this could mean having a trained team member hold them. For very anxious or fractious patients, this might mean chemical restraint.

    • Dorsal recumbency is generally the best way to position your patient.

    • Be sure to clean the area of skin where you’ll be performing the cystocentesis. If needed, consider clipping the fur, too. 

  3. Estimate the bladder location.

    • You’ll use your ultrasound to see the bladder, but anatomical landmarks will give you a good starting point for where to place the probe. Try one of these methods…

      • Locate the caudal four mammary nipples and mentally draw an ‘X’ between them. The bladder will often be near the cross point of the ‘X’.

      • Place a small amount of alcohol on the caudal abdomen so it pools. Often, the bladder is located directly under where the alcohol naturally pools on the midline.

  4. Visualize the bladder.

    • Place your probe onto the caudal abdomen. You should be able to see the urinary bladder on the screen—it’s a fluid-filled structure that has the appearance of a ‘black balloon’ with gray or white walls.

  5. Check for any abnormalities.

    • You could focus on just doing the cystocentesis. However, while you’re visualizing the bladder, it may help to do a cursory exam (or even a more in-depth evaluation, if indicated) to look for any problems contributing to the patient’s urinary symptoms. 

      • For example, note if you see any thickenings, masses, calculi, or other issues in the urinary bladder.

  6. Obtain the urine sample.

    • Place the needle directly through the abdominal wall, just in front of the ultrasound probe.

    • Aim the needle slightly caudally.

    • You should see the needle on your ultrasound screen. Use this visual to guide you, to be sure you get a good, clean sample rather than aspirating part of the bladder wall.

  7. Prepare your sample for analysis.

    • Right after the cysto, replace the needle on the syringe with a sterile one.

    • Then, divide and prepare the sample in a timely manner (the fresher the sample, the better for testing) for any tests you need to perform, whether that’s in-house or at an outside lab.

In many veterinary hospitals, cystocentesis is safely performed several times per day, and complications are very rare. However, as with all medical procedures, some risks exist.

These may include…

  • Hematuria (usually mild and transient).

  • Much rarer complications such as bladder injury, leakage of urine into the abdomen, puncture of internal organs or blood vessels, or vagal reactions (retching, panting, hypersalivation, collapse). 

  • Seeding of tumors.

    • If you suspect your patient has a bladder tumor such as transitional cell carcinoma, it may be best to avoid a cystocentesis. Otherwise, the needle could ‘seed’ the tumor as you withdraw your sample from the bladder, allowing cancer to spread into the abdominal cavity.

An ultrasound may help you to notice abnormalities such as bladder tumors during the procedure, in which case your recommendation to the client may change.

Fortunately for most pets, a cystocentesis is a quick outpatient procedure that provides a lot of valuable information. And many dogs and cats don’t show any side effects at all.

For patients with urinary symptoms, a cystocentesis is often the way to go for the most accurate diagnostic testing results and to get to the bottom of the issue faster for healthy pets and happy clients.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

5 Tips for Radiation Safety During Uncertain Times

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Your x-ray unit is something you use frequently—probably every day, or multiple times per day—in your practice.

You know radiation safety is important. But recently, if you’ve had to reduce the number of team members in the building at any given time, maybe it feels like there aren’t enough hands on deck for patient restraint and positioning.

The good news is, some of the same principles that reduce radiation exposure can also help your team operate more efficiently.

Here are some tips to maintain safety, even when you’re shorthanded…

A.L.A.R.A.: A Brief Reminder

A.L.A.R.A. stands for “As Low As Reasonably Achievable,” and it’s the guiding set of principles that help you reduce radiation exposure to yourself, your staff, and your patients.

This is important because ionizing radiation from x-rays can damage cells, and cumulative exposure can lead to health risks such as cancer and genetic damage to reproductive cells.

To minimize exposure, there are 3 principles to keep in mind:

  • Time

  • Distance

  • Shielding

Decreasing exposure times, increasing the distance between your team and the x-ray source, and using PPE, all can help to decrease radiation exposure.

Tips for Radiography Safety and Efficiency

Hands-Free Restraint

Increasing the distance between your team members and the x-ray source is one of the most effective ways to decrease x-ray exposure.

Think of the inverse square law, which states that doubling your distance away from the x-ray source results in ¼ of the dose of x-ray radiation.

That’s a significant decrease!

Also, scatter radiation comes from the patient—so by not touching the patient, you’re reducing your exposure.

This can be accomplished by using:

  • Chemical restraint.

  • Positioning aids such as sandbags and tape.

  • A combination of both.

In addition to contributing to safety, hands-free restraint also increases staffing efficiency.

Especially for large or wiggly patients, it takes fewer staff members to position the patient when hands-free restraint is used.

Patient Comfort

A patient who wiggles at the last moment can lead to a crooked radiographic image—and thus, the need to retake that view.

The more shots you take, the higher the x-ray exposure to your team members.

Keeping a dog or cat’s comfort in mind can help you get the shot you need the first time—and decrease the need for retakes.

Here’s how you can do this…

  • Minimize fear and pain (for example, pain from stretching a sore leg to get the right position) by using chemical restraint. 

  • Use a trough or other aid for comfort. Lying with their back on a cold, hard table can cause even the most cooperative of pets to squirm. Giving them a cozy place to settle into can really help.

  • Play white noise or background music. This helps make the big buzzing and beeping sounds from the x-ray machine less startling to a dog or cat.

In addition to a better patient experience and less x-ray exposure, these methods help save your staff time by getting your views more quickly.

Getting Things Right the First Time

The fewer images you take, the less radiation exposure there will be.

In addition to the measures listed above, here are some ideas for taking the fewest views possible…

  • Good planning. Be sure to know exactly which views you need ahead of time and what position the patient needs to be in for those views. Communicate these expectations clearly with your staff.

  • Proper measurement. Measure the patient in the position they will be in during the shot (lying down rather than standing).

  • Have a technique chart, or use appropriate settings in your digital unit. Teach team members how to make quick and accurate adjustments in settings, too.

  • Use collimation. In addition to producing a higher-quality image, collimation decreases scatter radiation.

A thorough understanding of x-ray positioning and machine settings will save your staff time and headaches—in addition to minimizing radiation exposure.

Who Should Be in the X-Ray Suite?

Only the team members taking the radiographs should be near the machine. Clients shouldn’t be in the x-ray suite, and other team members should be fulfilling other duties—especially when you’re shorthanded.

Rotating the staff you have on x-ray duty can also help minimize their cumulative exposures. 

So, it’s smart to invest in training multiple team members. That way, you’ll also avoid delays if your “go-to” x-ray staff member ever needs to call out sick or otherwise miss a day.

PPE Care and Use

Even though the nature of your daily practice may have changed, it’s still important to keep up with x-ray safety measures, such as making sure your PPE is in good condition.

Experts recommend checking PPE every six months, and this includes radiographing your aprons, gloves, and thyroid shields to check for cracks. Of course, check and replace sooner if there are any notable defects.

Uncertain times may be stressful, but you and your team can continue to help the patients who need you while keeping yourselves safe.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Good Exam Room and Dental Lighting: Why It Matters

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When it comes to upgrading your veterinary practice, maybe the first things that come to mind are new exam tables, high-tech anesthesia monitoring equipment, or an in-house chemistry analyzer.

Was a new LED exam room light also on your list? If not, it should be. Here’s why…

While lighting is often overlooked, just think about how many times per day a good, strong light could make your life easier.

Times, when a high-quality LED light could come in handy in your exam room, include the evaluation of…

  • Lesions and wounds.

  • Dental disease or oral lesions.

  • Ocular health (you’ll use your ophthalmoscope and other equipment for a more detailed exam, but good room lighting can help you pick up subtle lesions during a routine checkup).

  • Paw pads and the spaces between the paw pads.

  • External ear structures.

  • Dander, fleas, and other skin and coat issues.

These are a few good examples—but really, good lighting can help with much of the physical exam by making it easier for you to accurately document tissue colors, textures, lesions, and other notable abnormalities in your medical record.

Good lighting is essential for dental procedures and surgeries

In our last blog post, we gave some advice on how to pick a good surgical light.

And along those same lines, don’t forget about dental procedures!

The mouth is like a dark cave, making it difficult for you and your staff to see what you’re working on if you don’t have good lighting.

Some things a good light will help you visualize include…

  • Calculus that needs to be cleaned—and verifying that all calculus was removed.

  • Enamel defects and small chips or fractures. 

  • Staining, or other color changes such as pulpitis.

  • Subtle bleeding or mild gingivitis.

  • Oral abnormalities such as masses or inflammation.

  • Pharyngeal or tonsillar abnormalities.

  • Extraction sites—before, during, and after the extraction.

  • Placement and manipulation of small sutures.

Not to mention, a good overhead light can aid your laryngoscope light during intubation. 

How affordable are good LED lights?

In the past, LED lights were very expensive compared to halogen bulbs—so it’s understandable if you’ve not purchased one before.

However, some brands are now 30-40% less than previous LED prices.

So, LEDs don’t have to be expensive anymore. And considering their performance and efficiency, a good LED light can be a great addition to your practice.

Plus, many cities, counties, states, and even electric power companies offer rebates for upgrading to LED lights, due to the decrease in power used.

Specific requirements for rebates vary by location—so be sure to check with your local municipality and utility providers to see what’s available in your area. Because it’s always great to get a cash rebate that can help cover the cost of your upgrades!

How do you choose a good exam room or dental light?

When it comes to selecting the best lighting, there are many things to consider…

  • Affordability. LED lights are much more affordable now than they used to be, so shop around and be sure you’re getting a good deal (to be sure you’re comparing apples to apples, check for the other factors on this list, too).

  • Quality and dependability. Plus, a good-value warranty helps to back up your investment.

  • Lighting adjustability in terms of intensity and dimming options, as well as area of focus.

  • Precise positioning. The light head and arm should be easy to move and manipulate—but then, stay right where you put it without drifting. 

  • Easy to clean.

  • User-friendly, with simple controls on or near the handle.

  • Shadow-free illumination—or at least a design that minimizes shadows as much as possible.

  • Mounting options that match the layout of your rooms.

  • Comfortable and safe for pets, with adjustable settings you can change as needed, and low heat output.

Here’s what we recommend…

We recommend the new Burton veterinary LED exam light because it checks all the boxes listed above.

Plus, it has a high-quality LED (virtually heat-free and with a 75% energy savings compared to halogen), is assembled in the USA, and is backed by an industry-leading 5-year warranty.

At a competitive price point that optimizes design, performance, and value, it’s pretty hard to pass up!

Why invest in new lighting?

As we said, lighting is often overlooked in terms of equipment upgrades…

But, just think of how many times per day you’ll use a good-quality light in your exam rooms or dental area.

In terms of cost per use, that can make new lighting a great investment—something you’ll benefit from using many times per day.

And if your new light makes your life easier in terms of visualizing the patient and making accurate medical notes… that’s an investment that could save you time and headaches, and be well worth it!

Diagnosing Tumors of the Heart in Dogs and Cats

Diagnosing Tumors of the Heart in Dogs and Cats

Cancers of the heart are uncommon in dogs and cats. When they do occur, it’s important to differentiate a tumor from other conditions that could cause generalized or focal enlargement of the heart and cardiovascular symptoms.

Which cancers occur in cardiac tissues?

A cancerous lesion based at the heart could be a primary tumor, or due to metastasis.

Primary tumors that occur at the heart include:

COVID-19 and Your Veterinary Practice- COVID-19 Safety Tips

COVID-19 and Your Veterinary Practice- COVID-19 Safety Tips

What we know right now about pets and COVID-19

Currently, pets are not considered to be involved in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. A handful of pets around the world tested positive (compared to over 4 million human beings), and it is thought that these dogs and cats contracted the virus from a human.

So, pets may have some risk of being infected from us, but at this time there’s no evidence of zoonosis from pets.

Seeing patients during a pandemic

While veterinary medicine is generally considered an essential service, you’ve probably had to change the number of appointments you see—and the manner in which you see your clients and patients—during the coronavirus pandemic.

The CDC recommends using your professional judgment to provide care to pets while minimizing human-to-human exposure and conserving PPE (personal protective equipment).

This could mean…

How COVID-19 Affects Pets: Safety Tips for Pet Owners

How COVID-19 Affects Pets: Safety Tips for Pet Owners

Veterinarians play an integral role in public health. Your education helps you understand zoonotic diseases and other health concerns that can affect both humans and animals.

And even though pets don’t appear to play a significant role in transmitting coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in the current global pandemic, your knowledge can still help both people and pets.

Here are some important things we know so far about COVID-19 in cats and dogs, and how that knowledge can affect your team, your clients, and your patients…

Can dogs and cats get COVID-19?

Ultrasound vs. X-Rays for Monitoring Dog and Cat Pregnancies

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When it comes to pregnancy in pets, sometimes it’s hard for clients to wait… 

They want to know right away whether there are puppies/kittens present… how many there are… and if the babies are doing OK.

It’s understandable—whether this is a professional breeder or a pet parent who’s decided to proceed with a litter, the arrival of new puppies and kittens is an exciting time.

There are a few ways to check for pregnancy in dogs and cats. Each method has its own pros and cons, which you can explain to your clients to help set up realistic expectations and develop a plan that best suits their pet’s needs.

Early pregnancy checks may include…

Abdominal palpation

  • This method of pregnancy detection can yield information as soon as 3-4 weeks into the 9-week pregnancy.

  • Abdominal palpation has been used by vets for many years—and can often result in the detection of fetal “bumps.”

  • However, this method isn’t always accurate. There are plenty of things that could render palpation inconclusive. For example, in large breeds or overweight dogs, palpation is more difficult. 

Relaxin testing

  • Testing for the relaxin hormone—a hormone unique to pregnancy—can be performed as soon as 20 days into gestation. 

  • This test gives your client a very important “yes or no” answer—and helps to distinguish between true pregnancy versus pseudopregnancy—but it doesn’t provide information on how many fetuses are present.

The next test to consider is an abdominal ultrasound. 

Canine and Feline Abdominal Ultrasound

The procedure of abdominal ultrasound in veterinary medicine involves examining the internal organs of dogs and cats. To begin the ultrasound study, transverse scanning is performed to locate the urinary bladder and colon, with the uterine body positioned between them.

Once the uterine body is identified, the scan is directed cranially towards each kidney, following the uterine horn towards the ovary. Along this path, each fetus can be identified by its appearance as a round, fluid-filled gestational sac.

Compared to other imaging methods like X-rays, abdominal ultrasound offers several advantages in veterinary practice.

One significant advantage is the ability to confirm pregnancy several weeks earlier than X-rays. Typically, an ultrasound is performed around 30 days into the pregnancy, although it's possible to detect a pregnancy as early as 20 days. At 30 days, it becomes easier to detect fetal heartbeats.

In addition to early pregnancy detection, ultrasound provides other valuable benefits for veterinarians, including:

1. Counting the number of puppies or kittens: The ideal time for this is between 30 and 35 days of pregnancy. After 50 days, the uterine horns may overlap, making it more challenging to accurately count the fetuses.

2. Assessing fetal viability: Ultrasound can confirm the presence of viable fetuses by detecting their heartbeats or movement.

3. Predicting gestation duration: Measurements of fetal size or certain anatomical structures can help estimate the gestation duration.

Another advantage of abdominal ultrasound in veterinary practice is its ability to involve clients in the process. Unlike X-rays, clients can be present during the ultrasound, allowing them to witness the heartbeats of the puppies or kittens.

This experience enhances the bond between the client and their pet, as well as strengthens their connection to the veterinary practice.

However, in the later stages of pregnancy, X-rays also play a valuable role in veterinary medicine. X-rays provide more information when the fetuses have developed significant skeletal structures, usually around 45 to 55 days after breeding.

At this stage, a single set of X-rays is safer for the fetuses compared to earlier in the pregnancy.

Radiographs (X-rays) are particularly useful for:

1. Confirm the fetal count.

2. Assessing the size ratio between the fetal skulls and the pelvic canal. This information helps in planning for potential dystocia and the need for a C-section.

As a veterinary practitioner, you have various diagnostic tools at your disposal to detect and monitor a healthy pregnancy in dogs and cats.

By utilizing the best combination of methods, you can reassure your clients along the way, and increase the chances of a healthy delivery of puppies or kittens!

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Radiographs for CCL Injuries and TPLO Surgery

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When it comes to cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injuries in your patients, x-rays play a key role in your diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.

So whether you’re the surgeon performing the procedure or a GP referring your patient to a specialist, having a good understanding of what to look for on your radiographic images can help you provide great patient care.

It all starts when the patient first comes in to see you…

The initial visit

More than likely, you’ll be seeing a middle-aged, medium or large breed dog who suddenly started limping on one of their hind limbs.

During the exam, you determine that the pain is in the stifle. Then, using sedation, you perform more thorough palpation, followed by radiographs.

Your detailed exam of the knee reveals some swelling and a positive drawer sign, and you take x-rays to confirm your suspicion of a CCL tear.

Considering this is one of the most common orthopedic injuries in dogs, you’re probably correct. However, occasionally there may be a surprise—such as a fracture near the stifle, or even an osteosarcoma lesion for older patients.

Radiographs will help you correctly diagnose and document the problem, and rule out concurrent conditions.

With a recent CCL injury, you might not see a lot of obvious evidence on your views—that’s because it can take more time for radiographic evidence of a CCL problem to show up.

However, you will likely see compression of the infrapatellar fat pad—which indicates joint effusion.

If the condition is chronic, you may notice arthritis and other signs of long-term inflammation.

Planning for a TPLO surgery

If your patient is a good candidate for surgery, then it’s time to discuss options with the owner. A tibial plateau leveling osteotomy is a good option for many otherwise-healthy dogs, but of course, the recommendation may vary for each individual pet.

Now’s the time when pre-op radiographs come in, by helping you to measure the tibial plateau angle and determine the saw blade size and position of the bone plate and screws.

The importance of post-op radiographs

After a surgery such as a TPLO, it’s important to document that everything went well—that all implants are in place, the tibial plateau has been repositioned as planned, and that there were no complications such as bone splintering.

This will be very reassuring to a worried pet parent, and will also be a valuable part of your medical record.

These post-op radiographs can also provide more information if a problem or complication comes up later, by using these initial images as a frame of reference for comparison.

Radiographs are useful if complications arise

More than likely, your patient is doing great. In that case, follow-up x-rays will help you confirm and document that the bone has healed as expected.

However, if they do run into any problems—such as an infection or a fracture—an additional set of radiographs can help you diagnose the issue and treat it ASAP. And follow-up rads will allow you to monitor the patient’s healing progress and their response to treatment.

Basically, radiographs give you an “inside view” throughout the whole process of diagnosing and treating a CCL injury, and are useful for common surgical options such as a TPLO.

Digital radiographs are especially helpful in terms of sensitivity for soft tissues such as a joint space, and also for providing rapid results within seconds.

But no matter which radiology equipment you choose, your X-ray images will provide valuable information for diagnosis and treatment of CCL—for happy patients and clients.

Disclaimer: This article is for general informational purposes only, and not intended as a guide to the medical treatment of any specific animal.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM

Vertebral Heart Score: How and Why to Calculate One

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A vertebral heart score (VHS) is a measurement used to determine if a patient’s heart is enlarged.

The VHS can provide valuable insight to complete your clinical picture, especially at times when you hear a heart murmur, for a general pre-anesthetic check, or to look for cardiac changes on breeds that are predisposed. 

It’s a simple, non-invasive way to get more information and to monitor for changes over time.

How to calculate a vertebral heart score

  1. Obtain a high-quality lateral thoracic radiograph. Be sure…

    • To collimate.

    • That the patient is straight and not twisted or at an angle.

    • That you can see enough detail, especially the thoracic vertebrae and the borders of the cardiac silhouette.

  2. Make your first measurement along the longest axis of the cardiac silhouette, from the ventral border of the carina of the mainstem bronchus to the apex of the cardiac silhouette.

    • You don’t need to measure this in centimeters or inches—instead, just hold up a sheet of paper to your x-ray viewer and make a mark for your measurement, or use calipers. Or, with your digital x-ray system, use the VHS function to mark the measurement right on your screen.

  3. Now, hold the measurement up to the vertebrae, starting with the cranial edge of T4—this is the 4th vertebra to have a rib connected. Count the number of vertebrae (including the vertebral body and the following disc space) that fall into the long axis measurement.

    • Measure to a decimal place of 0.1 (for example, let’s say your first measurement was 5.2 vertebrae).

  4. Make your second measurement. This time, you’ll measure along the short axis, which is the widest part of the cardiac silhouette. It should be perpendicular (at a 90-degree angle) to your first measurement.

  5. Repeat the process of transferring this measurement to the thoracic vertebrae, starting with the cranial edge of T4. For this example, let’s say your measurement was 4.5 vertebrae.

  6. Add these two numbers together.

    • In this example, your VHS would be 5.2 + 4.5 = 9.7 

How to interpret the results

For dogs, a normal vertebral heart score is less than 10.7 (with an average range of 8.5 to 10.5). For cats, an average VHS is 7.5 (with a range of 6.8 to 8.1).

Anything larger than that is considered abnormal.

Of course, this doesn’t tell you exactly what’s going on—you’ll need further information such as an echocardiogram to determine whether there is DCM, HCM, or some other issue causing the enlargement of the cardiac silhouette.

However, the VHS is a great screening tool to let you know to investigate further. And, if you have a patient who already has cardiac disease, a VHS can help you monitor their disease progression over time, and provide tangible information to a client who wants to know how their pet is doing on treatment.

Keep in mind that, as with any diagnostic tool, there is some individual variation. Some pets—especially certain breeds such as boxers—may fall outside the normal VHS range even if they’re completely healthy.

So, look at the overall clinical picture when assessing a patient. But with that in mind, a VHS is a quick, easy, valuable addition to your toolkit when it comes to evaluating and monitoring cardiac health.

Vetebral heart score tool video


Disclaimer: This article is for general informational purposes only, and not intended as a guide to the medical treatment of any specific animal.

Written by: Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM