Midmark vs Dentalaire: Best Dental X-Ray Options for Vets


Midmark Dental X-Ray and Dentalaire Dental X-Ray for Veterinarians

Dental radiography is generally considered part of the standard of care for veterinarians who perform dental cleanings, extractions, and other procedures in their practice.

There are many reasons why dental x-rays are important. Just a few examples include: identifying different types of FORLs to determine the best course of treatment, confirming full removal of all root tips during a difficult extraction, discovering and documenting pathology such as the full extent of damage from periodontal disease and whether the location of a missing tooth is hiding a dentigerous cyst under the gumline.

If you’re new to dental x-rays or looking to replace or upgrade your equipment, here are some important considerations, as well as information on two major equipment providers: Midmark dental x-rays and Dentalaire dental x-rays.

Considerations for Purchasing a Dental X-Ray Unit

Here are a few questions to ask yourself (and discuss with sales reps and colleagues) prior to your purchase…

  • What equipment do you need? Do you need to purchase EVERYTHING? Or, do you just need a new sensor… a new generator or processer… or new software? If you don’t need an entirely new unit as a whole, purchasing just the pieces you need can save significant money. Just check for compatibility issues if you are purchasing components from a different manufacturer or newer components to pair with older models.

  • What’s your dental x-ray space like? Do you need a wall-mounted unit or something on a stand? Or even something handheld?

  • What type of service contract or warranty is provided? What are the ongoing and renewal costs? Is bite damage for sensors covered? And is loaner equipment provided while your equipment is being repaired?

  • How is the software? Is it user-friendly? Does it provide all the functions you need?

  • What type of sensor(s) do you need? Are you interested in film, CR (phosphor plates), or DR? 

Some practitioners like DR for its speed, but dislike the limited size options and rigidity of the sensors. DR is also more expensive to replace. Film and CR, on the other hand, are generally available in sizes ranging from 0-4, to cover small, medium, and large patients. And CR can still be pretty fast. Opinions and preferences vary, so you’ll need to see what works best for you.

  • Does your staff know how to take dental x-rays? There’s a learning curve, so ask about training provided by the seller, if available.

Comparing Midmark Dental X-Ray and Dentalaire Dental X-Ray

Midmark and Dentalaire and both excellent providers that offer a wide array of dentistry equipment, including anything you’d need to start doing dental x-rays or update/replace your current equipment.

Here are some of the main selling points advertised by each company:

  • Generator settings and usability: Both Midmark and Dentalaire note their dental x-ray generators are user-friendly and simple to operate, with intuitive, easy-to-read displays and veterinary-specific options. Both have options to input your own settings or to use pre-programmed techniques. Additionally, Dentalaire notes that exotics and extremity settings are included. 

  • Positioning arm: Both providers claim a well-constructed positioning arm that’s easy to move, with precision braking for preventing drift.

  • Image quality: Both Midmark and Dentalaire dental x-ray systems are generally well regarded by veterinarians for image quality. Additionally, they each advertise a focal point of 0.4mm for high-resolution images with sharp, clear details.

  • CR equipment: Midmark and Dentalaire both offer CR sensor plates in all sizes, as well as readers.

  • DR equipment: DR technology is continuing to evolve! 

In fact, Midmark notes that they have the world’s first bite-resistant sensor, and they stand behind it with a 5-year warranty (including one free sensor replacement in case of catastrophic damage). 

Dentalaire advertises a sensor that is also resistant to bite damage, especially when paired with their protective boot covering, and they offer a 3-year warranty for upgrades. 

For both companies, DR sensors come in both size 1 and size 2.

  • Software: Both Dentalaire and Midmark have comprehensive and user-friendly software with DICOM capabilities and compatibility with PACS. Midmark advertises that their software integrates with leading practice management systems and offers the ability to enhance images. Dentalaire notes they have customizable patient reports and advanced image comparison available on-screen.

  • Training: Dentalaire offers four hours of on-site training in dental x-ray positioning. Midmark also offers in-clinic training, and their training is RACE approved for CE credits for both veterinarians and technicians.

  • Support: Each company offers technical support.


There are several excellent providers of veterinary dental x-ray equipment. Midmark and Dentalaire and two major contenders, and both have great offerings. The one you choose may come down to personal preference. 

Consider asking your sales reps or providers for demos, and for references of other veterinarians who have the equipment and can give you the pros and cons they’ve experienced.

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Also, ask about any ongoing or additional costs. By having as much information as possible, you can find the equipment that’s the best fit for your individual practice.

Written by:
Dr. Tammy Powell, DVM


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