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Behind the Scenes - The Emotional Toll of Veterinary Critical Care and Emergency

As veterinary critical care and emergency service providers, we have the unique opportunity to save lives and support clients through some of their most challenging times.

We enjoy the rush of never knowing what will walk through the door and are always prepared to step into life-or-death situations.

What sets veterinary emergency/critical care teams apart from the rest is our ability to triage quickly in times of high stress and our high degree of resourcefulness.

When it comes to saving a patient’s life, we make no excuses and exhaust every possible option—even those that are unconventional.

What many don’t see behind the scenes of veterinary emergency and critical care is the significant toll many of us face daily.

Working in a unique area of our field comes with a unique set of challenges we face every day.

One of the biggest challenges we face is the sheer intensity of the work. We often deal with traumatic, life-changing situations that are stressful and emotionally draining.

Long hours, high-pressure situations, and a constant influx of critical cases can damage our mental and emotional well-being.

It’s not uncommon to experience things like:

  • Ethical dilemmas – such as if/when to euthanize and client financial constraints

  • Challenging client interactions – clients may not agree or respond well to treatment options or cost

  • Emotional toll – long periods of high stress, burnout, and unsuccessful patient outcomes can take a significant toll

  • Compassion fatigue – experiencing constant loss and supporting grieving clients can result in feelings of emotional exhaustion.  

  • Feeling undervalued – resulting from a lack of acknowledgment and low compensation

Many don’t see the heartache we experience when a client cannot afford their pet’s care.

Not only because it's often painful for our clients to admit, but it’s emotionally challenging to offer a lower-grade treatment than the patient deserves.

This is where we tend to run into a crossroads with our resourcefulness—we’re often able to get creative to enhance our patients' level of care, but we’re saddened by the constant need to perform treatments “off label,” knowing there’s a better way. 

The Hidden Struggles of Working Long Hours and Holidays

The nature of emergency and critical care means that we are often required to work long hours, weekends, and holidays, leaving little time for rest.

It’s no wonder we see high cases of burnout, compassion fatigue, and guilt for not being able to spend enough time with our families and pets

 So, what can we do to help move the needle from “taxing and fatiguing” to “fulfilling and valued”?

As tempting as it is to put a band-aid on things by buying our team lunch or bringing in doughnuts, it’s less impactful to the bigger picture.

It’s important to recognize the emotional toll that working in this high-stress environment can take on our teams and to acknowledge hard work and a job well done.

As much as everyone loves some free food, what’s deeply rooted is our need to feel seen, heard, and appreciated.

It’s easy to forget how impactful these simple attributes contribute to our feelings of fulfillment and value.

Start by setting the example…

Culture change happens one person at a time, and the age-old saying “lead by example” is still a practical approach to change.

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It’s okay to start small:

  • Give an acknowledgment a day by authentically extending appreciation to a team member or group for something specific they’ve done. This could be a simple thank you for staying late or kudos for working with a difficult client.

  • Take breaks, practice self-care, and seek support from colleagues to demonstrate prioritizing your well-being. Encourage your teams to do the same.

  • Empower your teams to speak up when they’re feeling burned out. Share some examples of options they’ll have to help them recover. They must know we’re invested in their well-being.

The Power of Compassionate Leadership in Veterinary Teams

Working in veterinary emergency and critical care requires compassionate leadership.

This leadership style is rooted in empathy, kindness, understanding, and clear expectations.

Compassionate leaders prioritize the needs of their teams, can connect with those they work with, and are effective at active listening.

Understanding differing perspectives, feelings, and challenges is a skillful practice. Compassionate leaders handle difficult situations with understanding and grace.

Leading with a compassionate leadership style does not mean allowing your team to make excuses, act outside the rules, or disrespect boundaries. Rather, it encourages a respectful environment enhanced by psychological safety.

We often forget that our ability to work in veterinary emergency and critical care is a privilege. We’re uniquely positioned to make a meaningful difference in the lives of our patients and pet parents.

However, we must remember that we are human, too, and it is okay to feel the weight of the emotional toll of our work.

By supporting each other and taking care of ourselves, we can continue providing the best care possible for our patients while maintaining our own well-being.

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