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Training & Education: Mastering the Learning Curve with Veterinary Laser Therapy

It’s well-known laser therapy has become a popular treatment option in veterinary medicine due to its effectiveness in managing pain and promoting healing in patients.

However, like with any diagnostic, there’s a bit of a learning curve when mastering the proper technique for the best results.

Invest in training early!

  • To find reputable training options, speak to colleagues and specialists who have experience with laser therapy equipment or chat with the vendor from whom you purchased the equipment.

  • Prioritizing appropriate training can help ensure:

  • Improved patient outcomes

  • Proper maintenance and upkeep of laser therapy equipment

  • Increase safety & prevent damage

  • Extend the longevity of the equipment

When learning a new diagnostic, our teams need time to understand the key takeaways and apply their new knowledge.

Although laser therapy is a reasonably easy diagnostic, we want to avoid a “sink or swim” approach. Our teams are offered supervision and support as they flex their new skills.

This might include:

  • Making time for questions as they get comfortable with the new tool

  • Allowing some professional development time to read articles on the topic (tips, safety, etc.)

  • Offering supervision and affirming correct techniques to help build confidence

  • Quick reference guides in an easy-to-find location

We also want to set clear expectations around their responsibilities and what to do if concerns or an emergency arise. Take time to review what they’ll be responsible for with these new skills and what is outside of their scope.

Never discredit the power of hands-on learning

To truly master any new clinical skill requires practice and repetition.

Some people find learning a new diagnostic intimidating. Taking time to offer reassurance and supportive guidance will help build confidence. Learners should feel secure in their new skills, and as their leader, you should trust in their new performance abilities.

Acknowledgment goes a long way. When our team is taking on something new, we often forget how impactful our words are as leaders.

Simply acknowledging and affirming their effort and progress offers individuals validation and encouragement to continue.

Entrusting our teams to carry out diagnostic procedures empowers them to continue to grow their skills, expand their knowledge and gives our veterinarians space to tackle other needs.

Investing in staff training is essential for anyone involved in laser therapy at your practice.

The use of the correct wavelength, power, and dosing parameters can reduce inflammation, accelerate tissue repair, and improve circulation.

Our veterinary teams play a vital role in preparing the equipment and patient, assisting with the procedure, and maintaining our valuable diagnostic equipment.

Even more so, they play a massive part in client education and relaying the value of laser therapy when reviewing estimates or treatment options.

The risks of poor technique in laser therapy can be detrimental to patients and risk poor hospital reputation.

Improper use of the laser can lead to burns, tissue damage, or ineffective treatment, prolonging the healing process and potentially leading to (avoidable) complications.

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Have confidence that your teams have the necessary skills and knowledge to safely and effectively perform laser therapy, investing in training and continuing education courses.

Like most continuing education programs, these courses allow veterinary teams to learn about the latest advancements in laser therapy, proper treatment techniques, and how to tailor treatment plans to individual patients.

Ultimately, the impact of proper training and technique with laser therapy in veterinary medicine goes beyond the individual patient. It also positively reflects the practice's reputation, enhances client satisfaction, and contributes to the overall success of our teams. 

When you purchase our Supra Therapy Laser Quad, we include comprehensive training to ensure you get the most out of your investment!

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