The Complete Small Animal Endoscope System

The Complete Small Animal Endoscope System$16,995 or $295 a month.

Are you looking for a reliable and affordable small animal endoscope system?

Look no further than our complete system, priced at only $16,995 or $295 a month.

With shipping included and a 3-year parts warranty, you can rest assured that your investment is protected.

Versatility: Important Uses Of The Endoscope In Small Animal Diagnostics

Our small animal endoscope system is an essential tool for the evaluation of animals with a variety of symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty defecating.

It is also useful for obtaining biopsies of the stomach, intestines, and potentially esophagus. With the ability to remove foreign material and place feeding tubes, this system is an invaluable asset to any veterinary practice.

LED Light Source: Excellent Visualization And Sampling

Our system comes equipped with an LED light source generating a vivid, vibrant image. Accompanied by both a water and air pump, our scope provides excellent visualization and sampling of the gastrointestinal tract from the inside.

The scope can be easily plugged into a standard 110 outlet, making it easy to use in any practice.

Training Included: Endoscope Training Program

We understand that mastering the use of an endoscope can be challenging, which is why our Endoscope Training Program is designed to help you take your endoscopy skills to the next level. Our comprehensive program offers a step-by-step guide to building, setting up, and using an endoscope and its accessories with ease.

With live remote training using Team Viewer, you can learn from the comfort of your own practice.

Suction: Schuco Aspirators

Our small animal endoscope system is also equipped with a reliable and durable Schuco aspirator. The entire family of Schuco aspirators has evolved to meet the changes in standards and provide just the right aspirator for your suction requirements. With improved scratch and flake resistance, high vacuum range, and a vibration-free gauge, this aspirator is a must-have for any veterinary practice.

In conclusion, our Complete Small Animal Endoscope System is a versatile, reliable, and affordable tool for any veterinary practice. With its LED light source, Schuco aspirator, and comprehensive Endoscope Training Program, you can take your endoscopy skills to the next level.

Contact us today at 530-722-4977 to learn more.


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