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Good Exam Room and Dental Lighting: Why It Matters

When it comes to upgrading your veterinary practice, maybe the first things that come to mind are new exam tables, high-tech anesthesia monitoring equipment, or an in-house chemistry analyzer.

Was a new LED exam room light also on your list? If not, it should be. Here’s why…

While lighting is often overlooked, just think about how many times per day a good, strong light could make your life easier.

Times, when a high-quality LED light could come in handy in your exam room, include the evaluation of…

  • Lesions and wounds.

  • Dental disease or oral lesions.

  • Ocular health (you’ll use your ophthalmoscope and other equipment for a more detailed exam, but good room lighting can help you pick up subtle lesions during a routine checkup).

  • Paw pads and the spaces between the paw pads.

  • External ear structures.

  • Dander, fleas, and other skin and coat issues.

These are a few good examples—but really, good lighting can help with much of the physical exam by making it easier for you to accurately document tissue colors, textures, lesions, and other notable abnormalities in your medical record.

Good lighting is essential for dental procedures and surgeries

In our last blog post, we gave some advice on how to pick a good surgical light.

And along those same lines, don’t forget about dental procedures!

The mouth is like a dark cave, making it difficult for you and your staff to see what you’re working on if you don’t have good lighting.

Some things a good light will help you visualize include…

  • Calculus that needs to be cleaned—and verifying that all calculus was removed.

  • Enamel defects and small chips or fractures. 

  • Staining, or other color changes such as pulpitis.

  • Subtle bleeding or mild gingivitis.

  • Oral abnormalities such as masses or inflammation.

  • Pharyngeal or tonsillar abnormalities.

  • Extraction sites—before, during, and after the extraction.

  • Placement and manipulation of small sutures.

Not to mention, a good overhead light can aid your laryngoscope light during intubation. 

How affordable are good LED lights?

In the past, LED lights were very expensive compared to halogen bulbs—so it’s understandable if you’ve not purchased one before.

However, some brands are now 30-40% less than previous LED prices.

So, LEDs don’t have to be expensive anymore. And considering their performance and efficiency, a good LED light can be a great addition to your practice.

Plus, many cities, counties, states, and even electric power companies offer rebates for upgrading to LED lights, due to the decrease in power used.

Specific requirements for rebates vary by location—so be sure to check with your local municipality and utility providers to see what’s available in your area. Because it’s always great to get a cash rebate that can help cover the cost of your upgrades!

How do you choose a good exam room or dental light?

When it comes to selecting the best lighting, there are many things to consider…

  • Affordability. LED lights are much more affordable now than they used to be, so shop around and be sure you’re getting a good deal (to be sure you’re comparing apples to apples, check for the other factors on this list, too).

  • Quality and dependability. Plus, a good-value warranty helps to back up your investment.

  • Lighting adjustability in terms of intensity and dimming options, as well as area of focus.

  • Precise positioning. The light head and arm should be easy to move and manipulate—but then, stay right where you put it without drifting. 

  • Easy to clean.

  • User-friendly, with simple controls on or near the handle.

  • Shadow-free illumination—or at least a design that minimizes shadows as much as possible.

  • Mounting options that match the layout of your rooms.

  • Comfortable and safe for pets, with adjustable settings you can change as needed, and low heat output.

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Here’s what we recommend…

We recommend the new Burton veterinary LED exam light because it checks all the boxes listed above.

Plus, it has a high-quality LED (virtually heat-free and with a 75% energy savings compared to halogen), is assembled in the USA, and is backed by an industry-leading 5-year warranty.

At a competitive price point that optimizes design, performance, and value, it’s pretty hard to pass up!

Why invest in new lighting?

As we said, lighting is often overlooked in terms of equipment upgrades…

But, just think of how many times per day you’ll use a good-quality light in your exam rooms or dental area.

In terms of cost per use, that can make new lighting a great investment—something you’ll benefit from using many times per day.

And if your new light makes your life easier in terms of visualizing the patient and making accurate medical notes… that’s an investment that could save you time and headaches, and be well worth it!

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